We are in the best and worst moment of Tattooing.
I read this sentence some time ago, in some Instagram post. I don´t remember the author. We scroll down every picture in less than one second, without really seeing it, not paying attention to details or who is the author. That was the case this time, but this sentence was stuck in my mind.
I think the current moment of Tattooing can´t be described better .
In the last years, we could see how Tattooing, as form of art, has exploded in an incredible way. Tattooing tools are better now, Tattoo Artists have the best materials, inks, needles… Tattoo machines developed to make possible for us to achieve better quality results being more confortable and versatile.
Another great cause of this evolution of Tattooing was the appearance in this craft of new professionals coming from very different artistic fields. Now a days we have tattoo artists that come from graphic design, graffiti or fine arts, just to name a few, and this made possible a lot of new ways for every artist to express themselves in skin.
Today we can see on skin some Tattoo Art that some years ago was unthinkable to achieve. Realistic pieces in black and grey or full color, crazy geometric patterns or compositions that every day are more and more incredible. New styles appear, and some styles are mixed together to make innovative and amazing pieces.
In the other hand, we see every day more and more tattoo studios. More and more tattooers. A friend said once to me: “some time ago, when people was bored, they just bought a guitar and start playing… now they buy a tattoo machine”. Now this sentence sounds completely on point.
This growing number of studios doesn´t mean growing in quality. “Tattoo artists” with not enough experience, open studios and take pieces of work for which they are not prepared yet. They should say no if a costumer´s project is too difficult or not in their style, but they don´t. In the end, it´s money.
We see also how “tattoo studio chains” are coming. We can compare it with clothing or fast food chains in which the less important thing is quality or a good attention to the costumers. Super cheap small tattoos, 2×1 tattoos or black friday offers are really popular this days. Can you imagine Paul Booth or Guy Aitchison offering small tattoos for 15€? Or can you imagine Shige making offers that sound like “bring your friend and one sleeve is for free!” (If you are a Tattoo Artists I think you should know who these people are…)
And what can we say about “tattoo schools”? That “schools” where in most of the cases, not so good tattooers “teach” to their pupils a complete craft/job ir a couple of weeks.
Can you imagine? “Join our new course of Professional Surgery! In just two weeks you will be able to open your own Surgery Room!”
Yes, that´s how ridiculous they sound.
Where is passion? Where is the goal of making amazing pieces? Where is the desire to feel fulfilled with your work?
“In the end, good artists will remain”… or at least this is what people say. Maybe it´s only some kind of consolation for those who love their work and make things following some principles and trying their best. But for this to be true, we have to educate our costumers, and hope that they look for a good result, not for the deal of the day like in a street market.
If you want to have a good Tattoo, here you have 4 tips:
-Have a clear idea about what you want, and what style you prefer. (Realism? Japanese? Traditional? A small linear tattoo? etc.)
-Look for a Tattoo Artist that is good in that style. For that, you should check his/her book. If you can see some of his/her tattoos in person, much better.
-Give freedom to your Tattoo Artist. If you choose a Tattoo Artist because you like his/her work, let him/her do it. A good artist wants your Tattoo to be as great and beautiful as you want.
-Don´t choose your Tattoo or Tattoo Artist because of the price. You can not have the same price for a McDonald´s burger than for a good meal in a good restaurant.